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Season 5

Nov. 21, 2023

The Midnight Ride - Part Four

Rizz Sojabeef, Fanny Yoakley, Butch Caucasity, and Daydream Clearsky come face to face with the Jester in hopes of saving Sticky Sweet and Dapple Chardlot. Can these menacing kids unmask the clown or will the curse of the Jester claim more...

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Nov. 16, 2023

The Midnight Ride - Part Three

We return to Moonlight Park where our players are searching for clues throughout the creepy carnival. Asper Moonmoon is working on adding to his sideshow thanks to the talents of Fanny Yoakley.

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Nov. 8, 2023

The Midnight Ride - Part Two

Dapple Chardlot and Sticky Sweet have become The Jester's victims. Influencer Rizz Sojabeef has joined the other survivors to hunt down the clues to unmask this menacing clown.

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Oct. 31, 2023

The Midnight Ride - Part One

This is the start of a three-episode story between seasons just for Halloween! What happens when one of your best friends goes missing? You retrace their steps until you figure out what happens. Or at least unitl another one of your friends goes...

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Sept. 30, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Bonus Episode - Tara's Angels

We take a trip back to our Windblown campaign for this special look into our Patreon (patreon.com/rollgayroleplay). Brandle took over as DM for most of 2022 and this is the start of that campaign. During the story of Tara's Angels, Queen Tara sends...

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Sept. 2, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 34 - First Two Minutes

Previously on Roll Gay Role Play... this.

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Aug. 22, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 33 - It's Goo Much

In the season finale, the wrestling match comes to a close and a new leader of the WWP is crowned. Win or lose, Rux and BAE have some post-match legal problems to handle (or runaway from).  We're halfway through the Bae-Lin You Out story....

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Aug. 15, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 32 - Slorps Up

The fifteen person battle continues in this episode. One round of combat has been completed and no one has been eliminated yet. One unexpected move makes the whole crowd gag, either from shock or from disgust.

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Aug. 8, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 31 - Summer Fruit

It's the main event of Brovivor Series. Three teams of five wrestlers stand in the squared circle, competing in a no hards barred where the winning captain takes control of the company. Have the detectives figured out who sabotaged Brody's team or are...

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Aug. 1, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 30 - Magic Trick

The newest member of Brody's team is revealed and they are packing some secrets. Inspector Riceballs interrogates Lin while Rux does whatever they can to go unnoticed.

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July 25, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 29 - Inedible Chocolate

The investigation into Irwin Corwin's brutal demise begins backstage. The detectives question the six suspected wrestlers to see who could have driven the rigged limo into the stadium. Just when the pieces are coming together, the authorities arrive.

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July 18, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 28 - Company Property

The tragic aftermath of the explosion is revealed. A string of injuries plagued the team of Brody Streets, but after the blantant attack at the arena, it's more important than ever that our detectives find out who set this fatal trap.   To hear...

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July 11, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 27 - Durian Oil

Brovivor Series is finally here. The detectives have to figure out who has been causing the suspicious injuries to Brody's team before their main event match. While watching the ring for signs of foul play, another sabotage takes place backstage...

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July 4, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 26 - Math Nerd

Thanks to the help of our listeners, the detectives now know what to say when looking for treasure at the training dojo. Of course it takes more than just unscrambling twelve letters to receive this treasure. It takes logic, sacrifice, and a college...

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June 27, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 25 - Wide Open Hand

With news from Brody Streets, the detectives take some time to train in the squared circle. Before leaving the gym, they players become determined to understand the fortunes given to them by Madame Cookie. The video of the clues is up on Instagram and...

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June 20, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 24 - Dr Pulled Pork

After a night of partying, the detectives get some much needed rest before being woken up to a putrid odor. Rux calls in the help of an old friend to run some tests on these Max Gummies.

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June 13, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 23 - Gritty City

With Irwin offically joining the agency, our detectives work on finding a connection between the murder of Tommy Wasabi and the nightclubs in the city. Rux tests the side effects of the "Max Gummy" given to them by SilverPowder.

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June 6, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 22 - The Interview

Irwin has been introduced into the story, but he's not hired yet. Before becoming a detective at BAE-Lin you Out, Irwin must pass the grueling test of the agency's pet and HR rep, Le Capitaine.

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May 30, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 21 - It's Planted

While Le Capitaine interviews Irwin Corwin for the open social media manager postion, Rux, BAE, and Lin change into their gym clothes to train for their wrestling debut at the upcoming Brovivor Series event. Lin now has suspisions of someone spying on...

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May 23, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 20 - Crikey Doodle Doo

After a tense night in the sewers, the party receives fortunes from someone Rux recognize from their past. Irwin begins to smooth things over with the team by providing a sewer map and revealing the location of a locked entrance under a factory. Plus...

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May 16, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 19 - Gnarly Shrimp

The remaining relationships within the agency are being put to the test, between harsh accusations, questionable actions, and hurt feelings. Lin tries to connect with a potential date when a new PC enters the game. It's about to get gnarly.

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May 9, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 18 - Hard Feelings

Tempers flare throughout this episode, causing a rift in the agency. Even though they've faced off against dinosaurs and fatbergs, they aren't done fighting yet. Few words are held back as X'Stasha reveals a prime suspect in a recent murder

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May 2, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 17 - Pisstory Check

You would think a maneater raging havoc on the public would be the biggest problem our detectives face, but it turns out sometimes the fiercest clashes come from within. Tensions flare in the kitchen with threats of termination and lawuits all while...

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April 25, 2023

Bae-Lin You Out - Episode 16 - Promisciutto

The fight in the sewers is nothing compared to the fight for who gets to shower first. Then a new client meeting leads to a delicious job until a blood curdling scream echos through the diner.

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